Wednesday, November 26, 2008

This is the ring Jack bought for me and the picture we are using for our Christmas card

Allston this last weekend- He was helping grandpa prepare for his preisthood lesson- Also, I was cleaning out some stuff and getting rid of the baby swing and he loved to sit in it! He is so fun!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Allston and the Grinch!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008

Felicia, Geoff, and Allston taken at their home on Sunday-

Monday, November 10, 2008

CPA graduation- I am so sad it's over! I got a new polo shirt, a new mug and my certificate. What a great class!

Halloween at Felicias house. As you can see we didn't need coats while trick or treating- First time in my life thats ever happened. I loved it. We had a fun time. We took our trailer to Felicias to store it for the winter- she has more room than I do- It was to big to fit under the carport so we brought it back home.

Danay and her friend Jessica on halloween
Danay had a senior boy over for dinner last week. His name is Kevin.

Danay and Tyller- We bought Danay and Tyller new Pj's and they were putting halloween tatoos on.

We had Allston Friday night. He had no nap and was still going stron at 11:30 pm. He is a hand full, but so much fun. I love having him!
Taken at the movie theater on Saturday. We took Danay, Dana, Habib and Sarah to see Journey to the center of the earth. It was a fun movie- Then we went to the dollar store and everyone got to choose one thing, then we had ice cream. It wa a fun day.

Dana- age 12 taken Saturday.