Sunday, August 24, 2008

Did we really do Angels Landing even with the warning? YES we DID!

Danay and I starting up Angels Landing yesterday

This is me on Walters Wiggles at Angels Landing- This was the easy part!

Danay did so good on Angels Landing- Look at that fall!

Look at Danay on Angels Landing! Can you believe we hiked this?

Look at that drop off! Danay looks like this is easy!

Danay led the way- this is crazy!!!

This is by far the scariest thing I have done in my LIFE! What was I thinking?

At the top of Angels Landing- You can see Danays knees in the shot and the drop off. When I made it to the top I didn't know how I was going to get back down!!!!

Jack after hiking Angels Landing! It took us 4 hours and 45 min.

Danay at in Kanab last night.
Danay and I at Corel Pink sanddunes last night about 8:45 pm

This is the motel we stayed at this weekend- it is only 40 a night. It's clean and Cheap!

I used to work with these ladies at Avenues- left to right

Jill, Carli, me Theresa, Rachel

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Felicias family- I took these yesterday!

Tyller at my house

Friday, August 15, 2008

Danays 10th grade picture

Monday, August 11, 2008

This is titled "Natural Disaster"

Jack is entering this into the Utah State Fair photography contest.

Jaron and Rylie taken Sunday!

Rylie- she did so good smiling this time!

Rylie age 2 and a half
Jaron- he will be 6 in October. Taken Sunday- he is a handful!

These are Tyllers newest portraits- She is all legs! Isn't she so cute!!!! Taken Saturday night

Monday, August 4, 2008

Trek 2008- We had a great time- I would go again, this was my thrid time.

Trek 2008 One picture I have my apron on backwards so the stuff in my pockets would not hit my knees while walking!